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原装 FURUTECH 日本古河 FP900 镀金 RCA插座 莲花插座
- 插头分类:RCA插座
High End Performance RCA sockets
Non-magnetic direct 24k Gold Plated Conductor (2 Pcs/ Set)
• Central and Earth conductor- α (Alpha) Eutectic copper alloy Conductor
• Non-magnetic direct 24k Gold Plated Conductor
• Brass Housing and Nut cap (24k gold plated )
• Nylon (red, white) Mounting Insulation set and PETF Fluoropolymer (white) Inner insulation.
• Mounting Insulation set to accommodate panels of any thickness
• Connections: Soldered
• Non-magnetic direct 24k Gold Plated Conductor
• Brass Housing and Nut cap (24k gold plated )
• Nylon (red, white) Mounting Insulation set and PETF Fluoropolymer (white) Inner insulation.
• Mounting Insulation set to accommodate panels of any thickness
• Connections: Soldered
Dimensions: Housing-14mmφX22.9mm, Mounting Insulation set- Nylon(Red, White)15mmψX2.7mm, 28.7mm overall length.
