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[进口正版]Sweetwater Creek[甜水溪]/Anne Rivers Siddons
- 产品名称:79583SweetwaterCreek
书名:Sweetwater Creek[甜水溪]
作者:Anne Rivers Siddons
出版社:HarperCollins US
nVeteran novelist Siddons (Islands; Nora, Nora) returns to South Carolina's low country for her latest, a capable but uninspired story of a young girl's coming-of-age on the family plantation. Emily Parmenter is a lonely 12-year-old whose life revolves around the Boykin spaniels her family raises as hunting dogs. Her mother ran off; her beloved disabled brother, Buddy, who introduced her to literature, blew his head off with a shotgun (although Emily has conversations with him in her head); and her father, Walter, withholds all praise and attention. Her solace is her dog, Elvis, and Cleta, the wise black housekeeper. When 20-year-old LuLu Foxworth of the blueblood Foxworths arrives to spend time at the Parmenter plantation and work with the dogs, Emily is reluctant to welcome her, while social-climbing Walter is thrilled, hoping LuLu can teach Emily "to be a lady." The two emotionally neglected girls bond, and Lulu confides her dirty little secret: her addiction to alcohol and the smarmy Yancey Byrd, with whom Lulu has a 9@ Weeks–style love affair. The plot follows formula and the ends tie up happily for everyone but poor LuLu, the bad rich girl with the heart of gold.
From bestselling author Anne Rivers Siddons comes a bittersweet and finely wrought story of friendship, family, and Charleston society.
nAt twelve, Emily Parmenter knows alone all too well. Left mostly to herself after her beautiful young mother disappeared and her beloved older brother died, Emily is keenly aware of yearning and loss. Rather than be consumed by sadness, she has built a life around the faded plantation where her remote father and hunting-obsessed brothers raise the legendary Lowcountry Boykin hunting spaniels. It is a meager, narrow, masculine world, but to Emily it has magic: the storied deep-sea dolphins who come regularly to play in Sweetwater Creek; her extraordinary bond with the beautiful dogs she trains; her almost mystic communion with her own spaniel, Elvis; the dreaming old Lowcountry itself. Emily hides from the dreaded world here. It is enough.
nAnd then comes Lulu Foxworth, troubled daughter of a truly grand plantation, who has run away from her hectic Charleston debutante season to spend a healing summer with the quiet marshes and river, and the life-giving dogs. Where Emily's father sees their guest as an entrée to a society he thought forever out of reach, Emily is at once threatened and mystified. Lulu has a powerful enchantment of her own, and this, along with the dark, crippling secret she brings with her, will inevitably blow Emily's magical water world apart and let the real one in—but at a terrible price.
nPoignant and emotionally compelling, Anne Rivers Siddons's Sweetwater Creek draws you into the luminous landscape of the Lowcountry. With characters that linger long after you've turned the last page, this engaging tale is destined to become an instant classic.
Anne Rivers Siddons's bestselling novels include Nora, Nora; Sweetwater Creek; Islands; and Fox's Earth. She is also the author of the nonfiction work John Chancellor Makes Me Cry. She and her husband divide their time between Charleston, South Carolina, and Brooklin, Maine.
School–Siddons's strength is in describing locale, and in Sweetwater Creek she takes readers to the South Carolina Lowcountry, imbuing it with an almost magical aura. The mystical landscape of oak groves and tidal rivers where dolphins play is home to 12-year-old Emily Parmenter, daughter of a struggling plantation owner whose only claim to success is his line of legendary Boykin hunting spaniels. Emily grieves the death of her cherished older brother while also coming to terms with her mother's desertion. She forges a bond with her own spaniel and proceeds to find her place on the plantation when her innate ability to train the hunting dogs is discovered. Life is beginning to settle into a comfortable rhythm when a young debutante, Lulu Foxworth, exhausted from her whirlwind social season, takes up residence at Sweetwater Plantation for a summer of rest and retreat from the pressures of her demanding life. Lulu craves the peace of Sweetwater, and Emily, though curious, is not anxious to let the outside world in. This coming-of-age tale appeals on many levels as it explores loneliness and loss, friendship and betrayal, and the comfort of a beloved pet or favorite place in nature. Despite the sadness that pervades, there is peace, beauty, and escape in Sweetwater Creek.
n——Gari Plehal, Pohick Regional Library, Fairfax County, VA
nSince her mother left and her dear brother died, Emily Parmenter, 12, walks around Sweetwater Farm on eggshells, unnoticed by what's left of her family. Her only friend is her dog, Elvis, one of the Boykin spaniels her family raises. Her older twin brothers are mindless teens, and her father dreams of being accepted into society using the sale of his hunting dogs as entree. Highly intuitive, especially with animals, Emily trains the puppies, aching, as only a preteen can, for attention and acceptance even as she fears the world beyond Sweetwater. This fateful summer, a couple with good connections visits Sweetwater to purchase a dog, bringing along their college-age daughter, Lulu. Slim as a willow but brittle as glass, Lulu is enchanted with the dogs and the farm and Emily's father invites her to live with them as a favor to her parents. Emily knows Lulu will bring change, and she resists it, and sure enough, Lulu has her demons. Just as the Parmenters, with Lulu's help, seemingly reach their goal of being accepted into South Carolina society, Lulu succumbs to the darkness inside her, leaving Emily devastated and the family high and dry. Filled with the lushness of the Low Country, this coming-of-age story, with its haunting, lyrical prose and complex characters who inspire emotions ranging from anger to empathy, will captivate any reader.
n——Maria Hatton
n"Fans of Southern novels in the vein of FRIED GREEN TOMATOES will relish this one's rich atmosphere."
n——Washington Post
n"This is Siddons' best work."
n——Chicago Tribune
n"This story, with its haunting, lyrical prose and complex characters...will captivate any reader."
n"Richly atmospheric.touching, dramatic. one of Siddons' most impressive novels."
n——Atlanta Journal-Constitution
n"Lush, lyrical prose and loving detail."
n——Bangor Daily News
n"Few writers are better than Siddons at evoking the sweet gentility of Southern climes."
n——Fort Worth Star-Telegram
n"A fully alive world of many dimensions."
n——Tallahassee Democrat
n"A page-turner. The setting and the isolated life will remind readers of Sue Monk Kidd's THE MERMAID CHAIR."
n——USA Today
n"Themes of love and loss are intertwined throughout, as the reader rides on a tide of Siddons' lush, lyrical prose."
n——Charlotte News & Observer
n"A powerful narrative that should satiate Siddons' many fans and captivate new ones."
n——St. Petersburg Times
n"Rises above.by the sheer beauty and power of its prose. A story that refuses to be put down."
n——Richmond Times-Dispatch
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