
Solmo Kohn西餐不锈钢 餐厅酒店甜品刀叉勺子 甜点叉蛋糕叉 饼叉

  • 品牌:SolmoKohn
  • 颜色分类:甜品刀甜品叉甜品勺
  • 材质:18-10不锈钢
  • 刀叉勺产品:甜品刀叉勺
  • 主图来源:自主实拍图

(咨询特价)-31 (咨询特价)
到 2016-01-01 (咨询特价)
满 6 :
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满 39 :
包邮   (不包括:内蒙古,西藏,甘肃,青海,宁夏,新疆,港澳台及海外)






SolmoKohn餐具创立于1919年,创始人萨尔玛.卡恩是一位著名的冶金工程师,其祖父是德国宫廷贵族的铸剑巧匠。家族打造的佩剑,深受当时贵族喜爱。SolmoKohn童年时代家庭显赫,从小接受到良好的教育。当时的德国正处于一个变革的年代,没落的封建贵族生活奢靡无度,而普通大众生活艰苦。对于SolmoKohn来说,他厌恶贵族们的生活,十分同情贫苦大众。随着贵族的没落,SolmoKohn家族也开始没落,出于对家族的荣誉感和使命感,SolmoKohn接管了父亲留下的工厂,开始了艰难的复兴之路。当时流行的镀银镀金器皿,价格昂贵,一般家庭很难消费得起,SolmoKohn看准了刚刚兴起的不锈钢餐具的巨大市场潜力,在其家族悠久的佩剑生产工艺基础上,开始致力于不锈钢餐具的研究和开发。 1919年10月,SolmoKohn五金制品公司在德国的边陲小镇舍尔克里彭(Schollkrippen)正式成立。SolmoKohn在材料选择和生产工艺上都严格把关,并敢于把最新的技术运用于实践,对于品质的要求近乎完美。由于产品品质优良且与金银餐具相比,不锈钢餐具既美观耐用,又价格便宜,SolmoKohn公司产品迅速畅销整个欧洲市场,并创立了以创始人SolmoKohn名字命名的品牌。


SolmoKohn tableware was founded in 1919, the founder of salma. He is a famous metallurgical engineer, his grandfather, a German court noble cast jian a skillful craftsman. Family make the sword, by the nobility at that time. Prominent SolmoKohn childhood family, received a good education since childhood. At the time of Germany is in an era of change, decline of the feudal aristocracy profusion life, life hard and the general public. For SolmoKohn, he hated noblemen's life, very sympathy for the poor masses. With the demise of the aristocracy, SolmoKohn family began to decline, due to family's sense of honor and sense of mission, SolmoKohn took over his father leave factory, began a difficult road to recovery. Popular gold-plated silver ware, expensive, difficult to afford, average household SolmoKohn



